Showing posts with label plane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plane. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Smolensk Polish presidential plane crash victims bodies photos are made public

This horrific and intriguing story about the Polish presidential plane crash on April 10th, 2010, is just keeps getting more gruesome.  The crash took lives of Poland’s president, Lech Kaczyński his wife, and 94 others.  Read the details about the crash here.

Photo by Bessarro/stock.xchng
Two years after the crash, some families voiced their concern about the identity of their buried loved ones.  Sure enough, last month, after couple exhumations, the investigators fund out that some of the bodies were mistakenly switched in Russia.  All the investigators, doctors, army and intelligence officials from Poland and Russia couldn't keep the correct records?  It’s just unreal.

This week, some Russian blogger published classified pictures from the crash showing scattered bodies all over the crash site and in coffins.  Since then, Polish government asked for assistance in removing those pictures.  However, other countries like Germany and USA would not comply due to freedom of speech laws.  You can see some of the pics here.  

Now, word of warning: some the actual pictures of the bodies are very disturbing.  Scroll down to the section with Photo 1 through Photo 7.  See it here.  Or check it here.

Give me one man and and I give you one option, give me a hundred, and I’ll give you, well you know what I mean.  It’s hard to believe that the Russian made and serviced T-154 passenger jetliner would just crash into the ground without anyone surviving.  On the other hand, who’s really to blame?  Pilots?  Tower?  Fog?

For some strange reason, US is not being asked directly by the Polish government to provide some intelligence info about the crash.  Perhaps, a satellite photos or communication transmission would shed some light on the crash.  Why are they holding back?  Strange.

Why are the Russians still in possession of the plane wreck?  It’s been two year already.  Even if they would have to pack all the parts on the rigs, they could be done in a week.  Bizarre.