Showing posts with label Romney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romney. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How will Polish-Americans vote this year?

The next Presidential Election is on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.  How will Polish-Americans vote this year? 

As with rest of the Americans, Polish-Americans are seeking good jobs and better lives.  It all comes down to the money in the pocket.  Chicagoland area is known for a large Polish population and Polish culture.  

When it comes to jobs, the majority of the Poles run their own contractor businesses.  Yes, many are employed in cleaning/caretaking industry but the real money is in building and remodeling gigs.  Correction: the real money was there, before the recession.  It seems that the main income stream comes from the "hail damage" insurance claims.  More about that some other time.

The other group invested in college education and is working for the private and public sector.  It seems that every large company has some Poles or Polish-Americans working there.  

Yes, the Poles are a large group in America but do they make their voices be heard during the elections?  The short answer is no. 

Many older Poles don't find the elections to be legit based on their experiences from the communist Poland (before 1989).  The undocumented Poles cannot vote.  And the rest are just simply keeping the politics out of their lives being busy working two jobs to support the family and the "American dream".

So how will Polish-Americans vote this year?  The jobs and taxes are very important.  Second, the immigration reform.  Romney wins on the taxes but Obama caters to the undocumented.  After talking to some friends, most are pro-Romney.  Mishandling of the economy is the number one disappointment.  Second, the Obamacare. 

Polish-Americans choice: Romney.

You can check both candidates and their stands on the issues at: Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Working the Poles and the polls

Visiting Poland to get the Polish-American votes?  Nice touch Mitt Romney.  Last week, invited by world-famous Solidarity leader and former Polish President Lech Walesa, presidential candidate Mitt Romney, his wife Ann, and son Josh, traveled to Gdansk and Warsaw.  Romney met with Lech Walesa, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, President Bronislaw Komorowski, and Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski. 

By the way, most Poles don't realize that the last name of their president means an elephant's tooth.  That would explain his stabbing political agenda.

In general, the reception was very positive and warm.  Poles greeting Romney on the streets felt important and hopeful again after unfulfilled promises of President Obama.  Besides United Kingdom, Poland is the most loyal and steady ally of the United States in Europe.  

As for the political views, Poles still remember the influence and pressure on the Soviet Union from Ronald Reagan to end the communism in Eastern Europe.  Although the Polish transformation to a free market economy after 1989 was somehow rocky, overall, people are much better off then under the communist rule. 

We all know the visit was directed to Polish-American voters back at the States.  Large Polish diaspora cannot be ignored.  But it's a two way highway - Poles back at the States must mobilize and show up at the polls in great numbers, regardless of their political views.  Why bother to vote?  
Voter turnout is on the rise and out of about 60% voters, a slight majority of 31% or 1/3, will actually make a decision for the rest of the country.  Voter IDs laws and other ways to curb voter fraud will most likely have an impact on this election.

So how can you work the Poles at the polls?  What's important to an average Polish citizen?

1. Remove tourist visa requirements for Poland already - don't worry they won't flood US with mad carpentry skills and smuggle tons of vodka 

2. Polish forces are/were involved in Afghanistan and Iraq - promises of construction and supply contracts were never fulfilled - Poland needs some solid gestures

3. Install the missile defence system - Bush giveth, Obama taketh - well almost giveth, but Poles are convinced that EU/NATO alone won't be able to defend Poland from a sudden attack

What reception President Obama would receive?  I'm sure positive as well.  So all comes down to who can work the Poles at the polls the best.